
Warriors for you

A $3 Million Victory in a Case Against the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department

Our client, Joshua Peoples, was hit in an intersection by an Alameda County Deputy Sheriff. Read how Heinrich Law won a $3 million victory in the case against the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department.

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Winning a $994,000 Settlement for the Victim of a Tow Truck Collision

Heinrich Law recently achieved a huge victory for client Omar Hidalgo, whose case settled for $994,000 in the case of Hidalgo v. NEL Trucks.

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Winning Major Personal Injury Cases, One Relationship at a Time

Personal injury cases can be complex. They are also very human. Victory can boil down to the way one person tells their story. Is she being clear? Do we believe him?

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Hiring the right expert witness can win a case

Many personal injury law firms will not hire expert witnesses. Experts, especially the top experts, command fees of many thousands of dollars.
We do.

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Podcast: Protect Your Assets Against Personal Injury Claims

My primary role is to represent people who are seriously injured due to the fault of another.

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